Sites & cities that bear the name of Tell Abraq

Tell Abraq

Today in : United Arab Emirates
First trace of activity : ca. 25th century B.C.E
Last trace of activity : ca. 5th century B.C.E
Recorded names : Magan?

Description : Tell Abraq was an ancient Near Eastern city. Located on the border between Sharjah and Umm al-Qawain in the United Arab Emirates, the city was originally on the coastline of the Persian Gulf but changing sea levels have placed the remains of the city inland. It is located on the main road from Umm Al Qawain to Falaj Al Moalla. The mound containing the ruins of Tell Abraq was originally excavated by a team from the University of Copenhagen working on the extensive remains of the city of Ed-Dur, a few kilometres to the north. Their original intention was to confirm the time sequence prior to Ed-Dur's primacy, around 1,000 BCE. However, they were surprised to find extensive indications of much earlier settlement, dating back to the Umm Al Nar period, including a 3rd millennium monumental fortification. Tell Abraq has been cited as being the "best preserved and largest prehistoric settlement in the Lower Gulf" and is thought to be one of the key locations of the area the Mesopotamians knew as 'Magan'.

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